What is the definition of token?

In MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) and general OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect, a token is a string that represents the authorization granted to a client to access a protected resource. Tokens are issued by an authorization server and are sent to the client in the form of a string.

There are two main types of tokens:

Access Token: is used to authenticate and authorize the client to access protected resources on the resource server. It contains information about the identity of the client and the authorization granted.

Refresh Token: is used to obtain a new access token when the current one expires. It is typically a long-lived token that is stored securely on the client.

MSAL uses these tokens to authenticate and authorize the client to access protected resources on the resource server. The client can use the access token to authenticate and authorize requests to the resource server. The client can also use the refresh token to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.

When a user signs in to an application, MSAL will acquire an access token and a refresh token from the authorization server. MSAL will then use the access token to authenticate and authorize requests to the resource server. When the access token expires, MSAL can use the refresh token to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to sign in again.

It's important to note that Access Tokens should be handled with care and kept secret, because they contain sensitive information and can be used to gain access to protected resources.

Happy PC (Programming / Configuring)


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